CHESTER HAS MOVED!: Oustanding Graphic of US Force Laydown

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Oustanding Graphic of US Force Laydown

This map is worth a very careful viewing. not only does it show the locations of all the US transport helicopters and C-130s, but it also shows the ETA for differing ships as they come on station. Question: The MEU has quite a few Cobras -- maybe a half dozen. Wonder how these are being employed . . . perhaps cargo can be slung under them . . . By the way, not sure if "laydown" is a doctrinal term or not, but it is shorthand for "where are all these troops going to be located." Since Joe Katzman over at Winds of has thrown down the gauntlet of challenge for us to cover the military efforts of coalition countries as well, we'll attempt to get that started tomorrow. Email links if you've got them.


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