CHESTER HAS MOVED!: Quick Roundup for Friday, Oct 22nd

Friday, October 22, 2004

Quick Roundup for Friday, Oct 22nd

Here are some interesting items from news today: 1. The Cincinnati Bush Headquarters has been robbed. I wonder if there might have been some internal campaign polling data that the thieves might be so kind as to post. 2. 5'7". 150 lb Bush supporter harassed by 6'2, 300 lb Kerry supporter. The Bush guy wins. 3. Supposedly, Lawrence O'Donnell, a Kerry insider, went completely bonkers on MSNBC's Scarborough Country tonight. I've never watched this show, but after reading the descriptions of the incident I set TiVo to record a rerun late tonight. Will update tomorrow. 4. See The Horserace Blog for excellent insight into the polls. 5. John Lehman, former Navy Secretary of 9/11 Commission fame, has stated that the US has found bin Laden but can't get to him. This is interesting. This requires a little thinking to decipher and I'll post more later. 6. The head of the UN election team in Iraq says everything is right on track there for elections in January. Starting tomorrow, I'll be offering a blow-by-blow news update of the impending battle of Fallujah, with analysis and commentary. Good night!
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