CHESTER HAS MOVED!: The Tsunami was a punishment from Allah for _________ (insert reason here)

Thursday, January 06, 2005

The Tsunami was a punishment from Allah for _________ (insert reason here)

The Middle East Media Research Institute has published a roundup of Middle Eastern reactions to the tsunami, entitled, "Conspiracy Theories Surrounding the Tsunami: It was a Punishment from Allah for Celebrating Christmas and Other Sins; It was Caused by the U.S., Israel, India." Here are the headlines for the individual stories:
Palestinian Friday Sermon by Sheik Mudeiris: The Tsunami is Allah's Revenge at Bangkok Corruption Advisor to Saudi Arabia's Justice Minister: The Nations were Destroyed for Lying, Sinning, and being Infidels Saudi Professor Sheikh Fawzan Al-Fawzan: Allah Punishes for Homosexuality and Fornication at Christmas Saudi Cleric Muhammad Al-Munajjid: Allah Finished Off the Richter Scale in Revenge of Infidel Criminals Egyptian Nationalist Weekly: U.S.-Israel-India Nuclear Testing May have Caused Asian Tsunami; The Goal: Testing how to Liquidate Humanity
MEMRI does a great job again.


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