CHESTER HAS MOVED!: Results - News Release Generator

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Results - News Release Generator

Big news today about hostage slaughterhouses found in Fallujah. We should make every reporter tour these, with cameras. This news release seems mundane . . . why dedicate one to a single airstrike? The important detail is the terminology. I think it is alluding to the increasing proficiency of Iraqi forces in using combined arms attacks. If this was an Iraqi calling in the jet, that bodes well. This news release has outstanding info about the organization, placement and command structure of Iraqi units. It also mentions that the Iraqi government has named Major General Abdul Qader Mohammed Jassim as the new Mayor of Fallujah. I predicted this last night. Surprise! Insurgents are using mosques. A word on terminology: "Regimental Combat Team 7" or RCT-7 means 7th Marine Regiment, but task-organized with attachments (tanks, amphibious vehicles, special forces, in this case Iraqis) for a specific mission. An anonymous reader has said: "As more information comes in, it would be highly interesting to get an insight into the important issue of how the Iraqi (government) forces performed at the battle. Something similar to your breakdown of the US units would be very informative, with the addition of any information you find on things like the background of each Iraqi unit's members (eg. ethnicity/religious sect, past political alliegance, prior military/police experience) and of course how well (or poorly) the unit performed. "It would also be interesting to have your opinion on what the Iraqi performance bodes for the tasks ahead, especially securing and stabilising Fallujah and conducting elections in January." I will do my best on this, anonymous, but it will take some time to gather the necessary information. Possibly over the weekend. Scrapping the response to the Slate article. Who reads them anyway? Will block any ads inappropriate. Thanks to the reader for pointing out the plagiarism ads. If they come up again, I'll see if I can't stop them. Next . . . under-reported articles from the Early Bird.


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