Another followup . . .
If the Brit and I are right, then that means:
2/5 is still in or around Ramadi,
1/2 will be detached from 24th MEU to fight in Ramadi
RCT 5 will C2 Ramadi
and other battalions from Fallujah will be shifted to RCT 5 for the fight. Possibly with 2/7 Cav for armor assets. First question to figuring out if this is right is: How many bad guys are in Ramadi?
Another word on the armor assets: more than likely they are not being employed as a battalion. Urban fighting requires tank-infantry teams and to do that you have to mix them up. So at the individual battalion level, even though they are still reporting as 2/7 Cav or 1/8, they have added tank platoons and spun off infantry companies. This is textbook though, and the textbook isn't always followed.
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